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Mrs. Rowan
Daily Schedule
Changes happen all the time, but this is the general routine that we try to stick to.
Students are not allowed in the gates, and no supervision is provided, until 7:20 am (if they are getting breakfast) or 7:30 for all other students.
The upper parking lot is for staff parking and special day drop off only. Please do not pull into the upper lot for any reason during drop off or pick up. All drop offs must occur in the lower lot. For your child's safety, please do not drop off your child in the street.
If you would like to walk your child to the main gate in the morning or pick them up there after school, please park on the street and walk up to the gate.
Please be respectful of my time after school. If you will not be able to pick up your child by 1:35, please call the office or e-mail me. I often have after school duties, so if you are not here on time, your child will wait for you in the office.
7:30 - 7:45 gates open
7:45 - 7:50 flag salute
7:50 - 8:10 PE
8:10 - 9:20 math
9:20-9:35 recess
9:35 - 10:45 guided reading/silent centers
10:45-11:25 lunch
11:25 - 11:45 story
11:45 - 1:00 Language Arts/writing
1:00 - 1:30 social studies/science/art
1:35 dismissal
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